You already knew the Internet was a dangerous place.
But now there’s a new danger — and what’s maddening is that it’s being created (inadvertently) by some of the web’s largest companies. Facebook. Microsoft. Yahoo. Google. Probably others.
Those companies are systematically training us to enter our usernames and passwords for their accounts — email, cloud storage, shopping and the like — when logging into the websites of other companies.
This creates an atmosphere of confusion wherein it feels natural to disclose our secret codes to companies we may never have heard of. Companies that may have nothing to do with the accounts we are giving up. Companies that can and will then misuse our personal information.
This is already happening. It’s happened to friends of mine, and to many more people I know about. But it doesn’t have to happen to you, unless it already has.
How to protect yourself? Read all about it over at The Astonished Tamale!
Then please leave comments, there or here. And please share the Tamale article with someone else who may need it.